Detail Information

THE STONE RESIDENCIES MAKIGAMI KOICHI DEC 26-31〔Ned Rothenberg (clarinet, bass clarinet, alto saxophone, shakhachi ) Shelley Hirsch (voice) Billy Martin(drums) Makigami Koichi(voice,th〕
ニューヨーク the Stone
start 20:30

Performer: Ned Rothenberg (clarinet, bass clarinet, alto saxophone, shakhachi ) Shelley Hirsch (voice) Billy Martin(drums) Makigami Koichi(voice,th

Ned Rothenberg (clarinet, bass clarinet, alto saxophone, shakhachi )
Shelley Hirsch (voice) Billy Martin(drums) Makigami Koichi(voice,theremin)

  • old_id: 1508049695
  • id: 5a6f
  • add: 2017-10-15
  • mod: 2017-10-15


Original Registrant


  1. bridge_inc (ID: bridge_inc)
  2. 【ヒカシュー】オフィシャル ファンクラブ (ID: hikashufanclub)
  3. ゆるゆるな日々 (ID: petsounds)
  4. hiyokohead (ID: hiyokohead)

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