Detail Information

Godzilla Legend―Music of Akira Ifukube
ニューヨーク Japan Society
start 19:30

Calling all monster movie enthusiasts for an evening filled with your favorite marches, melodies, vibes and reverbs from the Japanese cult classic Godzilla! Performed by Japan’s forever-young techno-pop band Hikashu and special guest musicians including the spunky sister duo Charan-Po-Rantan, this concert showcases the remarkable range of music composed by Akira Ifukube (1914―2006), who was known for creating some of the most memorable aural moments in cinematic history. A not-to-be-missed event that brings these menacing monsters to life through music!

  • old_id: 1492994508
  • id: 4ecd
  • add: 2017-04-24
  • mod: 2017-04-24


Original Registrant


  1. bridge_inc (ID: bridge_inc)
  2. 【ヒカシュー】オフィシャル ファンクラブ (ID: hikashufanclub)
  3. ゆるゆるな日々 (ID: petsounds)
  4. hiyokohead (ID: hiyokohead)

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